

Wirednextfest, 30 maggio 2013 – Intervista a Fabrizio Angelini


In occasione del Wired Next Fest, Fabrizio Angelini ha risposto ad alcune domande sul tema “Digitale e occupazione”. Domande: 1. ‘New’ o ‘old’? Nel dibattito in atto sembra prevalere di gran lunga la previsione che l’occupazione sarà digitale  mentre l’economia digitale si dimostra assai meno generosa di quella tradizionale, in termini occupazionali.   2. Più-organizzazione o meno-organizzazione: un futuro per lupi solitari? I mestieri del futuro sembrano diventare individuali, ‘stand alone’, isolati. Addio organizzazioni complesse? Addio organigrammi e carriere?   3. Servizi o produzione? Dopo alcuni decenni impegnati nello sforzo di sviluppare nel Paese un’economia dei servizi, al posto della precedente economia dei prodotti, improvvisamente emerge con evidenza che l’interesse planetario verso il nostro Paese pare indirizzarsi molto di più verso le nostre capacità produttive, anzi verso quelle di natura più tradizionale e artigianale, nei settori della moda, del design, del food etc… Nello stesso tempo, però, il mondo è sempre più ‘wired’, collegato.    

State of the U.S. Online Retail Economy in Q1 2013


Q1 2013 e-Commerce growth was strong at 13%, though it was slight pullback from previous quarters. Consumer sentiment continues to improve, but price sensitivity still a major driver of e-Commerce behavior. Mobile & Multi-Platform Commerce are ready for primetime. Gian Fulgoni, Chairman, comScore, Inc. Andrew Lipsman, VP Marketing & Insights, comScore, Inc. Ian Essling, Sr. Research Manager, comScore, Inc.  

AutoScout24 is Most Popular Automotive Site in Italy


In March 2013, the automotive category was visited by over 8.6 million Italian internet users, an increase of 3 percent compared to March last year. AutoScout24 is the clear leader in this top 10 ranking with 2.8 million unique visitors – more than triple that of CRM S.r.l who came in second place with an audience of 884,000 in March 2013. and Volkswagen Group follow in third and fourth position with 631,000 and 630,000 unique visitors respectively. Looking at engagement with the top 10 automotive websites in Italy, visitors to AutoScout24 and Mobile.International Sites spent the most time during March 2013, with 15.8 and 13.4 minutes per visitor, respectively. CRM S.r.l. ranked in third place with 12.4 average minutes spent per visitor in that month.  

Brave New Digital World: From Content to Commerce


Speaker: Gian Fulgoni, comScore Executive Chairman and Co-Founder Event: comScore Presentation As the average consumer’s screen time expands, so do the opportunities and challenges for marketers.  comScore executive chairman and co-founder Gian Fulgoni presented core principles needed by all to embrace “Brave New Digital World: From Content to Commerce” at the 2013 Festival of Media in Montreux, Switzerland. Below are some of the key points discussed in this presentation. It’s a multi-platform world, as smartphones and tablets drive one in three minutes spent online: Top web properties extend their audience reach significantly through mobile channels Mobile-only access accounts for 20% or more of the audience for top properties More screens means more overall consumption: it’s not a zero sum game Media companies and retailers are extending the total reach of their audience via smartphones and tablets The power of digital is in targeting, as dynamics are changing with commerce fueling advertising in a tight feedback loop: Targeting according to behavior: buying and /or browsing Emergence of the retailer as a targeted advertising platform Real-time optimization of digital media plan delivery increases targeting accuracy, viewability and ROI  

An Evolutionary Digital World


I giorni del consumo di base di contenuti digitali sono finiti. Le persone continuano ad utilizzare i PC ma attualmente il oltre il 10% delle pagine web in Italia viene visualizzato attraverso dispositivi “Mobili” con un trend in continua e fortissima crescita nel corso dell’ultimo anno. L’esperienza di consumo e’ sempre più’ frammentata su una grande varietà di apparecchi e piattaforme, che richiedono alta qualità e sistemi di misurazioni oggettivi ed efficaci. Fabrizio Angelini, CEO di Sensemakers, che rappresenta comScore in Italia, ha presentato i principali trend del mercato digitale italiano illustrando la sua crescente complessità e le evoluzioni più recenti dei sistemi di misurazione. Scarica la presentazione  

Sensemakers e comScore aprono il Forum della Comunicazione


Data Evento: 10/04/2013 – 09:00 10 Aprile 2013 ore 09:00 – Piazza Affari – Milano Fabrizio Angelini di Sensemakers aprirà i lavori al Forum della Comunicazione 2013 presentando una ricerca preparata in collaborazione con comScore.   Il Forum della Comunicazione Digitale è tra i principali eventi italiani dell’innovazione digitale, che giunto alla sua quarta edizione, nel contesto del World Communication Forum coinvolge top manager, imprenditori, rappresentanti istituzionali e i principali player ed opinion leader dell’innovazione digitale dello scenario nazionale ed internazionale. Programma Scarica la presentazione  

2013 U.S. Digital Future in Focus


In this presentation, comScore Media Evangelist Eli Goodman provides a comprehensive overview of the latest trends across the U.S. digital landscape. You’ll receive key insights from our 2013 U.S. Digital Future in Focus report that identify what the prevailing trends in social media, search, online video, digital advertising, mobile and e-commerce mean for U.S. marketers. Here are some of the insights shared in this presentation: More devices mean more people and more consumption; Smartphones and tablets currently drive every 1 in 3 minutes spent online Multi-Platform will drive advertising and content integration strategies; 5.3 trillion display ad impressions were delivered from January to December 2012 – a 6% increase in Q4 2012 display ad impressions from Q4 2011 Mobile disruption of the traditional retail sales funnel will finally come to a head; In Q4 2012, 11% of U.S. retail e-commerce dollars were spent via a mobile device.  

2013 UK Digital Future in Focus


In this webinar, Cathy McCarthy discussed key findings from our 2013 UK Digital Future in Focus report. UK consumers are more digitally-engaged than ever before and their usage of connected devices is re-defining the UK media landscape. This webinar presents an overview of the UK market to identify what the prevailing trends in web usage, online video, social media, mobile and search means for marketers in the year ahead. Here are a few highlights from the presentation: Page views from non-PCs reached an all-time high with nearly 1/3 of all UK page views now from mobiles and tablets. Over 6 million Brits had a smartphone as well as a tablet in December 2012 iPhone users are twice as likely as Android users to shop 1-3 times a month. The UK online video audience grew by 8% over the year, whilst mobile video audience grew by 262%.  

Visitatori 67% maschi, 70% ha più di 35 anni


Il profilo socio-demografico dei visitatori del sito si caratterizza, rispetto all’universo della popolazione italiana online, per una marcata prevalenza della componente maschile (67% contro 51%), una significativa presenza di visitatori delle fasce di età più mature (nel segmento 45-54 anni 24% contro il 20% medio nazionale e nel segmento dai 55 anni in poi, 19% contro il 14% medio nazionale) e un’appartenenza a nuclei familiari di dimensioni sostanzialmente allineate a quelle della media nazionale. Il 70% dei visitatori del sito ha più di 35 anni, mentre solo l’11% meno di 24. In termini di luogo di residenza i visitatori del sito mostrano una distribuzione molto simile a quella della popolazione italiana online. Scarica la presentazione  

The Multi-Media Path to Purchase

The Multi-Media Path to Purchase

What happens when traditional media faces digital? As e-Commerce has come of age, the consumer path to purchase looks less like a traditional funnel and more like a flight plan. Consumers use a variety of digital shopping tools but still need traditional media. In this presentation, comScore chairman and co-founder Gian Fulgoni explores The Multi-Media Path to Purchase and smartphones and tablets are changing shopper habits. Consider these e-Commerce statistics: In 2012, retail e-Commerce spending rose 15% year-over-year, while online travel e-Commerce broke $100 billion for the first time Overall, 41% of consumers would prefer to have grocery pricing information online –  but the online preference skews younger Among top online merchants, mobile device audiences increase merchant reach by at least 20%, especially for deal-a-day sites More than 1 in 10 retail e-Commerce dollars are now spent via mobile device   Scarica la presentazione  

Brave New Digital World

Brave New Digital World

Media fragmentation is occurring at light-speed in today’s multi-platform environment: TVs. PCs. Smartphones. Tablets. Gaming platforms. A seemingly ever-increasing number of new devices. In order to navigate change and emerge not only unscathed but also better positioned for the future, businesses must embrace the key trends affecting the consumer landscape, understand the opportunities, and overcome the challenges that stand in their path.

The Impact of Connected Devices on Consumer Behavior


This session provides an overview of the multi-device landscape shaping digital media consumption and communication across multiple global markets. Gregor highlights significant differences in use across certain markets and dives into detail in discussing how consumer behavior has changed over the past few years due to new connected devices.  

2013 Mobile Future in Focus


2012 was another milestone year in the life of mobile as continued innovation in hardware, software and device functionality lays the groundwork for the future of the industry. Smartphones and tablets are ushering in a new era of multi-platform media, with consumers becoming increasingly agnostic about how, when and where they engage with content. This report will examine how these rapidly changing market dynamics have shaped the current U.S. and international mobile marketplaces, and what these changes mean for the coming year as comScore helps bring the mobile future into focus. Key insights from the 2013 Mobile Future in Focus include: The U.S. smartphone market finally surpassed 50 percent market penetration and now enters the “late majority” stage of the technology adoption curve. The number of smartphone subscribers has increased 29 percent from a year ago and 99 percent from two years ago. Google’s Android OS, which has been adopted by multiple OEMs, and Apple’s iOS, which is carried exclusively on iPhones, have come to dominate the U.S. smartphone landscape with nearly 90 percent of the market today. Apple continues to gain ground as the leading U.S. smartphone OEM, but Samsung has seen the most explosive growth in this market over the past couple of years with a year-over-year increase of more than 100 percent and a two-year increase of more than 400 percent. The improved availability of high-speed Internet access has significantly enhanced the average user’s media consumption experience, contributing to a rapid uptick in mobile media consumption. Default Wi-Fi accessibility for smartphones and tablets has not only off-loaded bandwidth from networks, but has also contributed to a better on-premise (e.g. in-home) browsing experience for users. Smartphones have surpassed 125 million U.S. consumers and tablets are now owned by more than 50 million. We have now crossed into the Brave New Digital World – a new paradigm of digital media fragmentation in which consumers are always connected.  

Turning Big Data into Mobile Subscriber Insights: how Mobile Operators can Capture, Retain and Grow their Subscriber Base


Device proliferation has occurred and continues at a rapid pace. This environment is filled with new opportunities and struggles for mobile operators who must stay competitive to gain market share and increase their revenues. Marketing leaders are hungry for a solution that can transform their vast amounts of digital subscriber data and into insights to drive subscriber capture, retention and growth. Find out more about the need for digital data enrichment and how insights from subscriber big data can help mobile operators to: Improve customer satisfaction by accurately sizing tariff plans based on subscriber usage. Provide the best and most relevant devices for customer lifestyles. Properly incentivize subscribers to renew with customized proposals. Select the next best applications, services, and devices.